she use Meal prep for muscle gain

A 6-minute read.

What’s up, Dopefam! 

Are you ready to turn those gains up to 11? If you’re tired of spending hours meal prepping or choking down bland chicken and rice, listen up! Today, we’re diving into how to maximize your Meals of Dopeness delivery for some serious muscle gains.

Why Meals of Dopeness is Your Secret Weapon for Gains

Let’s get real for a second. Building muscle (and achieving any fitness or wellness goal) isn’t just about lifting heavy things and putting them back down (though that’s pretty important, too 😉). It’s about fueling your body with the right nutrients at the right time, and picking the best meal prep for muscle growth. And that, my friends, is where Meals of Dopeness comes in clutch.

Think about it:

  • No more scrambling for protein after your workout
  • No more giving in to junk food because you’re too tired to cook
  • No more guessing if you’re hitting your macros

Sounds pretty sweet, right? Let’s break down how to make it happen with MOD!

Step 1: Know Your Numbers

Before you start ordering, you need to know what you’re aiming for. Building muscle requires a calorie surplus, but we’re not talking about stuffing your face with pizza and ice cream (sorry, not sorry 🍕🍦).

Here’s a quick and dirty formula to start with:

  1. Calculate your maintenance calories (there are tons of online calculators for this)
  2. Add 300-500 calories to that number (for weight loss, you would subtract 300-500 calories)

For macros, a good starting point is:

  • Protein: 1.6-2.2g per kg of body weight
  • Fats: 20-30% of total calories
  • Carbs: The rest of your calories

Remember, these are just starting points. You might need to adjust based on how your body responds.

Step 2: Leverage Our Protein-Focused Meal Prep for Muscle Growth

Here’s where Meals of Dopeness really shines. Our protein-focused meals come with varied protein amount options. This means you can customize your meals to hit your specific protein goals. Whether you’re a lean gains enthusiast or a hardcore bulker, we’ve got you covered.

For example, many of our meals offer options to increase your protein serving size. This flexibility allows you to tailor each meal to your specific needs, whether you’re in a bulking phase or trying to lean out.

surf and turf meal prep high protein

Step 3: Bulk Up with A La Carte Protein (Make your own Meal Prep for Muscle Growth)

Sometimes you need a little extra protein to hit your goals. That’s where our a la carte bulk protein options come in handy. You can add these to any meal or use them to create your own muscle-building creations.

We offer a variety of bulk protein options, typically including both lean meats and fish. These can be perfect for boosting the protein content of your meals or for quick post-workout snacks.

Pro tip: Order some extra bulk proteins at the beginning of the week. You can easily add them to your meals if you need more protein, or use them for a quick post-workout snack.

This option is also great if you prefer a little more variety since you can mix and match to build your own meals.

bulk protein lamb chops

Step 4: Don’t Forget Your Carbs and Fats

While protein is crucial for building muscle, don’t neglect your carbs and fats. Our meals are designed to provide a balanced macro profile.

  • Carbs provide energy for your workouts and help replenish glycogen stores
  • Healthy fats are essential for hormone production (including those muscle-building hormones!)

Look for meals that offer a good balance of lean proteins, complex carbs, and healthy fats. We sell our veggies and carbs in bulk too!

bulk meal prep items

Step 5: Timing is Everything

When you eat can be almost as important as what you eat1. Here’s how to structure your MOD meals for maximum gains:

  1. Pre-workout: Eat a balanced meal about 2-3 hours before your workout. Look for options with a good mix of protein and complex carbs.
  2. Post-workout: Within an hour after your workout, go for a high-protein, moderate-carb meal.

Before bed: A slow-digesting protein can help with muscle recovery overnight. Check our menu for high-protein options that fit this bill.

Step 6: Mix It Up

Variety isn’t just the spice of life – it’s also key for muscle growth. Different proteins have different amino acid profiles2, and various fruits and veggies provide a range of micronutrients.

With MOD, you don’t have to worry about meal fatigue. Our menu changes weekly, offering you a wide variety of flavors and nutrient profiles. From globally-inspired dishes to classic favorites, your taste buds will never get bored.

variety of options

Step 7: Track Your Progress

As you embark on your muscle-building journey with MOD, keep track of your progress. Take measurements, progress photos, and note how you feel. This will help you adjust your meal choices and portion sizes as needed. (Progress photos will also really help with comparisons when you find yourself feeling discouraged.)

The Bottom Line of Meal Prep for Muscle Growth

Maximizing your Meals of Dopeness for muscle gain is all about:

  1. Knowing your calorie and macro needs
  2. Utilizing our varied protein options
  3. Supplementing with bulk proteins when needed
  4. Balancing your meals with carbs and fats
  5. Timing your meals strategically
  6. Keeping variety in your diet
  7. Tracking your progress and adjusting as needed

With Meals of Dopeness, you’re not just getting meal prep – you’re getting customizable, delicious, and effective muscle-building magic. Your future swole self will thank you!

lift weights, muscle growth

Stay hungry (for gains), stay healthy… Stay DOPE! <3

chef dopeness, c

P.S. Are you ready to start your muscle-building journey with MOD? Head over to our menu, and let’s get those gains cooking! Don’t forget to check out our bulk protein options to supercharge your meals.

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  1. When to Consume Protein for Maximum Muscle Growth ↩︎
  2. Branched-chain amino acids and muscle protein… ↩︎
Meals of Dopeness